I don't know how he does it, but my husband continues to amaze me with his brains and his ability to make me happy. You'll remember from my last post the crashed hard-drive of my old computer and lost documents and pictures. My husband surprised me yet again by coming home last night with a disc that he and the other geniuses he works with put together for me. It seems he took my crashed hard-drive to work with him and he and the guys worked on it. They extracted all my plans and budgets for our road trip out west next year and some very important lost pictures. I know this doesn't seem like a big idea to everyone but here is the significance to me. I had spent several of my last trips to Brookfield Zoo trying to get pictures of Hudson, the baby polar bear, with his mother. My next big quest was to get pictures of the two new baby tiger cubs. A few days after my last visit I heard the sad news that the male tiger cub had died and the female cub was in the medical ward. I had been lucky enough on that last visit of mine to the zoo to get some great shots of the two cubs together. I even got a few of them with their mother which I immediately downloaded to my computer. These were some of the pictures I thought I had lost in "the crash." Imagine my surprise when last night on my new computer I saw two little baby tiger cubs on my monitor. Did I mention my husband is a genius? Thanks Dandl, you're the best.